Wendy Jones Art

 Wendy Jones, Artist Profile

Find, Follow, and Contact Me Here to Purchase Paintings or Prints of My Paintings:

Facebook: Wendy Nowaskey Jones

Instagram: @wendy_jones

TikTok: @wendy_n_jones

Email: wendimus@gmail.com

YouTube: Wendy Jones Art

*NEW* You can also CLICK HERE to purchase any of my available paintings. Paintings can be picked up after the April Hopkins show or I'd be happy to deliver them for free if you live in the Salt Lake or Tooele counties. 

Artist Bio 

Wendy Nowaskey Jones is a 42-year-old artist and writer residing in Lake Point, Utah with her husband, Chad, and their dog, Willie Nelson. She has lived in Utah her whole life. She has been passionate about art since the get-go, taking extra classes and filling up all possible curricula with art courses from elementary school through college. She took a hiatus from the art world to join corporate America for several years, but once she realized that was not her calling in life, she began painting regularly again in 2019. A friend commissioned a painting shortly after and her art career launched. Half of her art is strictly for her own joy and the other half consists of commissioned works. Her current obsession is working with acrylic paints on large canvases but she also likes to dabble in watercolors, pencil, charcoal, and oil paints. Her main thrill is painting with bold, eye-catching colors in an attempt to evoke an emotion from the beholder, which, more often than not, is laughter or awe. An incredible recent visit to Paris, France and the Louvre, the Orsay Museum (impressionist and post-impressionist art), and the Centre Pompidou (modern and contemporary art museum) kindled the flames for her love of art even more. Her other interests are literature, travel, food, learning new languages, playing piano, and general outdoorsy things. Her art is currently on display at Hopkins Brewery in Salt Lake City for the month of April. 

Artist Statement 

I want my art to evoke some type of emotion from the beholder, whether it be laughter, awe, beauty, tranquility, or shock. The use of bright colors, usually through acrylic paints, helps me to achieve a strong impression. My art embraces life whether it be nature, flora, fauna, people, or the human perspective. I strongly believe female artists are an important part of the historical tapestry. Along with everything else, the male artist has always been taken seriously but the female artist has largely been swept aside or considered frivolous. Luckily, there have been a few female artists who persisted and have become household names e.g. Frida Kahlo, Georgia O'Keeffe, and Rosa Bonheur (happily showcased in the Orsay Museum at the time of my visit). My goal is to join these women and the widely recognized male artists such as DaVinci, Van Gogh, Magritte, and Dali in being highly recognized as prolific artists and inspiring future generations. Recently, my most common subject matter has been flora and fauna and the reasons for this are multifaceted. For one, these subject matters do not exclude any viewer. Animals and plants do not imply race, religion, political views, etc. They simply are, which allows them to be appreciated by all. I also gravitate towards flora and fauna because I fear that all too often people forget that they are not the one and only thing on this planet that matters. There is so much more to the planet Earth than people. I want viewers to feel that. I want to remind people of that fact. And yet another reason for painting them is that they represent vitality. I want my audience to view the plants and animals in my paintings as living, breathing, things and to feel more alive, in turn, when looking at them.

Contact me via social media to purchase art prints.

Online purchase option coming soon!

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